Kini di era MEA 2015 war for talent antar organisasi telah menjadi kenyataan di depan mata kita. Kebutuhan unit kerja, organisasi dan kepesatan peningkatan perusahaan tidak diiringi ketersediaan penawaran profesional yang sepadan. Hal ini mengakibatkan perang talenta memanas hingga ke level tertinggi. Persaingan perekrutan dan pembajakan talenta profesional bahkan menghadirkan praktik perang talenta di luar batas logika akal sehat. The demands for talent for exceeds supply. Manajemen talenta, tak pelak merupakan salah satu isu prioritas yang paling membuat pusing para eksekutif puncak dewasa ini

Selasa, 02 September 2014

ROLE of Human Resource Development (HRD) Manager

The role of manager of HRD (human resource development) consists of five separate but overlapping components referred to as subroles. Each is vital to the development of an efficient and properly managed HRD department. They include: (1) evaluator of the HRD program's impacts and effects on organizational efficiency, (2) management of the organizational learning system, (3) operational manager responsible for the planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and coordinating of the HRD department, (4) strategist responsible for long-term planning and integrating of HRD into the organization, and (5) marketing specialist responsible for the advancement of HRD within the organization through well defined and effective networks.
The HRD manager is the principal evaluator of the impact of the HRD program on overall organizational efficiency.
Within this subrole, the manager is responsible for the design, development, and implementation of program evaluations as well as cost/benefit programs. Each of these is used to determine the effects of learning on the employees and the organization. HRD managers are also responsible for the evaluation of career development programs and organizational development activities. The evaluation of the effectiveness of learning specialists, instructional designers, and consultants is another part of this sub-role. In summary, the HRD manager is accountable for the evaluation of all aspects of the HRD program, its results, its effectiveness, its impacts, and its practitioners.

HRD is about improved performance and productivity through increased knowledge, competencies, skills, and attitudes. In other words, HRD is about learning, its effects on employees, and its impact on the organization. The man¬ager of HRD is the person responsible for the management of learning within the organization and the development of programs and activities that foster growth.
The manager of HRD should possess knowledge of program planning and design, as well as knowledge of how to evaluate learners, programs, and instructors. A manager of HRD should also be able to deliver or facilitate learning programs and activities. In addition, he or she must know how to assess the pacts that HRD is having on the organization and be able to effectively communicate such results to organizational decision makers.
A knowledge of adult learning theory and appropriate instructional strategies is desirable. An understanding of on-the-job, off-the-job, and through-the learning activities is also needed. Finally, an HRD manager must understand the importance of career development and organizational development, how they contribute to learning and development and when it is appropriate incorporate them into the learning system.

This role is often viewed as the primary role of a manager of HRD. It consist; the five basic elements of management—planning, organizing, staffing, cc trolling, and marketing. Each of these elements will be addressed in detail la in this chapter. Some of the areas that will be examined include:
1. Importance of strategic planning to the HRD department
2. Staff recruitment, selection, hiring, evaluation, and development
3. HRD budget development and control
4. HRD policies, procedures, and standards
5. Financial management
6. Management of equipment and facilities
7. Material development and management
8. Supervision of staff and operation
9. Program schedule
10. Environmental maintenance
It is important to note that the major part of any manager's time is devoted to these activities.

The manager of HRD must develop long-range plans included in the broad hu¬man resource strategy of the client system. This includes the development of an organizationwide HRD program that is a part of the everyday operations of the organization. It is not enough to be a component of the organization; HRD must be integrated into the fabric of the organization as well.
As a strategist, an HRD manager must identify the department's strengths and weaknesses and develop plans for their continued development or elimination. A manager must also identify external threats as well as opportunities that the HRD department will be confronted with. In addition, an HRD manager must identify forces or trends impacting HRD; for example, the impact of technological developments on instructional strategies and delivery systems. A manager must develop guidelines and plans for implementing long-range plans and determine alternative directions for HRD. Finally, a manager of HRD must be able to identify and implement cost/benefit analysis that measure the impact of HRD on the organization.
Regardless, an HRD manager must function first as a member of the management team and second as an advocate of performance and productivity improvement through learning. As an organization member, HRD managers must be able to demonstrate that the HRD department is a worthwhile part of the organization. Its importance should be equal to other organizational departments and viewed as such.

In order to build and maintain supportive internal/external relations, the HRD manager must become a part of the organizational management team by attending meetings, making presentations, serving on a variety of committees, and writing articles and professional papers about the importance of HRD to organizational enhancement. In addition, he or she must be constantly available to all individuals and groups within the organization. HRD managers must also build and develop networks that communicate the importance of HRD and support its continued development.

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